NYSC Re-Deployment/Relocation Application Procedures/Guidelines
The Nysc redeployment scheme was established based on three main factors, Marital or Health ground and recently added Security ground. But many of us only talk about redeployment if the state of deployment isn’t favorable to us or probably surrounded by life and death situation (Boko haram). Many corps members wants to redeploy to another state closer to home or if possible demobilized home, But what many don’t understand is the procedure to follow, who to approach, and on what grounds will a redeployment request be considered by NYSC board. Why Do I Need NYSC Redeployment Letter? First thing to note here is that, not all corps members needed to write NYSC redeployment letter and submit to NYSC. During my time, I did not write, because I have no reason to write. The only set of corps member who it becomes compulsory for them to write a redeployment letter are corpers who are not satisfied with their States of deployment, and wanted relocation to another States due to reasons best ...